Nap time for two

27 Mar

It happened just after lunch, while I was cleaning up the messy countertop. His sister was happily playing with the new toy Grandma had brought over the day before, when he rushed over and snatched it out of her chubby little hands. She immediately started wailing. I ran over to play referee.

That’s when the mega tantrum erupted. He screamed and sobbed big tears about not wanting to share. After a failed time-out, I marched him straight up to his room for his nap, only it didn’t go as planned.

We stopped at the potty so he could empty his bladder. He was still carrying on so much that it was going to take a half hour to get into his bedroom, so I picked him up to move the process along. He flung his body forward and I was forced to let go because I lost my grip. Poor baby smacked his face into the carpet and his tooth went into his lip causing a small gush of blood. I hugged him and tried to calm him down so I could see how bad it was. I carried him into his room and deposited him onto his tiny toddler bed.

The tears slowly stopped as did the blood, while he caught breaths in dramatic gasps. I apologized for yelling. I could tell that he was just overtired from staying up late the night before with Grandma and Grandpa. I tucked him in and we read a story. When it was over and I was closing the door to his room, he asked me to nap with him saying, “you fit in my bed, Mommy”. I couldn’t say no.

I snuggled up with him under the covers and wrapped my arm around his little body. He fell asleep within ten minutes, and I marveled at his perfect features as his chest rose and fell rhythmically. His muscles twitched as he slipped deeper and deeper into his dreams. I drifted in and out of sleep, finding myself so incredibly grateful for this little moment.

Linking up with Just Write

5 Responses to “Nap time for two”

  1. Shelly March 29, 2012 at 10:19 pm #

    beautiful…I sometimes long for those days…

    my babies range in age from 21 to 27 and I have 2 grandbabies. I get glimpses when I get to nap with my little ones now.

    I love your new title…much more fitting with your stage of motherhood!

  2. Kimberly M (@momgosomething) March 29, 2012 at 10:05 am #

    Those moments are so hard.
    I’ve had my fair share of yelling at my son this week. I feel terrible about it.
    I’m glad that he made you stop in that moment and that you were both able to take a nap together. Just the type of recharging you both needed.

  3. HeatherEO March 27, 2012 at 9:48 pm #

    Oh those are the best redemptive moments. Thank you so much for joining in with Just Write!

    • bipolarandpregnant March 28, 2012 at 1:46 pm #

      I had to refrain from napping with him again today. It’s so tempting, but I can get so much done if I resist the urge to nap. Easier said than done sometimes.

      Thanks for doing Just Write. I hope to join in more often. :)


  1. Help for Yelling | Bipolar Mom Life - April 16, 2013

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